Tour Sign-Up: What Happens Now by Jennifer Castle

by - May 22, 2016

Hello FFBC Team! We are now announcing a new tour we're hosting for What Happens Now is being released on June 7th 2016 by Harper Teen.

The tour will run from June 7th to June 13th and there will be available the following types of posts:
  • Review (Limited spots)
  • Interview (Only 2 Available)
  • Guest Post (Only 2 Available)
  • Playlist (Blogger's Choice)
  • Dream Cast (Blogger's Choice)
  • Favorite Quotes (Blogger's Choice)
  • Promotional Post
Remember that June 7th is reserved for the Welcome Post, so do not pick June 7th in the sign-up form.

Reviewers will receive a digital copy of the book via Edelweiss. Make sure you have an account on edelweiss before filling out the form.

As always, there will be a tour giveaway provided by the author. Details to come soon!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Signing up for the tour does not guarantee you will be selected. We will reach out to all hosts that have been chosen once the sign-ups have closed and the tour schedule has been published.

What Happens Now
by Jennifer Castle
Publisher: HarperTeen
Release Date: June 7th 2016
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Mental Illness
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"I know what it is to want something so badly, you feel like your cells aren’t properly bonded together without it. 
I also know what it’s like to get that something.
And honestly, I’m still not sure which is worse..."

Ari Logan is battling to win her war against depression and the dark night she hurt herself on purpose. It’s not easy: her best friend is drifting away, her mom’s emotionally checked out, and she spends her days playing caregiver to her handful of a half-sister, Danielle. But it’s summer, and anything is possible...

That’s when Camden Armstrong steps onto the beach of Ari’s local swimming lake. 

At first, Ari quietly longs for Camden from afar, seeing in him everything she wants to be. When the two discover a true connection the following summer, Ari lets herself fall not just for the quirky and self-assured Camden but also his friends, tumbling into their world of independence, adventure, and shared sci-fi fandom. As Ari’s romantic dreams come true, she must unlock the mysteries of the very real and troubled boy behind her infatuation, while also struggling with her own demons, obligations, and loyalties.

From the award-winning author of "The Beginning of After" and "You Look Different in Real Life," "What Happens Now" is a touching, insightful novel about learning to heal, learning to love, and what happens when fantasy becomes reality.

Jennifer Castle received her B.A. in Creative Writing at Brown University and worked as a celebrity publicist’s assistant, an advertising copywriter, and a struggling screenwriter (yes, that’s an actual job) before falling into a niche producing websites for kids and teens. Her debut, THE BEGINNING OF AFTER, was a 2012 YALSA Best Fiction for Young Adults selection as well as a Chicago Public Library "Best of the Best" book. YOU LOOK DIFFERENT IN REAL LIFE and its companion digital novella, PLAYING KEIRA, were published by HarperTeen in June 2013. Her next novel, WHAT HAPPENS NOW, is forthcoming from Harper in June 2016. She lives in New York's Hudson Valley with her husband and daughters.

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