Tour Sign-Up: A Quarrel Called (Stewards of the Plane #1) by Shannon Wendtland

by - June 01, 2016

Hello FFBC Team! We are now announcing a new tour we're hosting for A Quarrel Called is being released on June 20th 2016 by A Crossed Arrows Title.

The tour will run from June 20th to June 26th and there will be available the following types of posts:
  • Review (Limited spots)
  • Interview (Only 2 Available)
  • Playlist (Blogger's Choice)
  • Dream Cast (Blogger's Choice)
  • Favorite Quotes (Blogger's Choice)
  • Promotional Post (Only 6 Available)
Remember that June 20th is reserved for the Welcome Post, so do not pick June 20th in the sign-up form.

Reviewers will receive a digital copy of the book via email in PDF format.

As always, there will be a tour giveaway provided by the author. Details to come soon!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Signing up for the tour does not guarantee you will be selected. We will reach out to all hosts that have been chosen once the sign-ups have closed and the tour schedule has been published.

A Quarrel Called (Stewards of the Plane #1)
by Shannon Wendtland
Publisher: a Crossed Arrows Title
Release Date: June 20th 2016
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy
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The Sage, The Guardian, The Lantern, The Light – together we four are Stewards of the Plane, a Quarrel.

G. is the Guardian; he’s developed a strong protective instinct and a kickass sword of light that can chase away the baddies like nobody’s business.

Sam is the Lantern; his dreams shed light on possible futures – he’s always had dreams, but now he sees where we’re going and how far, and it scares the crap out of him. 

Tara is the Sage; as our resident mystic, she can commune with the Akashic records: the big data warehouse in the sky. She can get information on anywhere, anywhen, if only she can learn to ask the right questions. 

And me, I’m Melody, I’m the Light. I can channel the earth’s energy and according to Gramps, I can stabilize a vortex. It’s a good thing, too, or else we would be in a lot of trouble.

Before the summer started, we were a bunch of normal teenagers getting ready for our senior year in high school. By the time summer was over, we’d fought and won battles, lost friends and saved the world (except for that time when we made it worse). 

This is our story. We wrote it all down; that way when it happens to you, when you're called to be a Steward of the Plane - a member of a quarrel, you'll know what to do. 

**This book is told in first person from four alternating character viewpoints.

Shannon is a wife, mother, writer, database administrator and general pot-stirrer-turned-mystic. A Quarrel Called will be her first book in print.

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