Tour Sign-Ups: Truly Madly Royally by Debbie Rigaud

by - May 21, 2019

Hello FFBC team!!  We are announcing a new tour we're hosting for Truly Madly Royally that is being released July 30th, 2019.

The tour will run from July 24th to July 30th and there will be available the following types of posts:
  • Review (Limited spots)
  • Interviews
  • Guest Post
  • Favorite Quotes (Blogger's Choice)
  • Playlist (Blogger's Choice)
  • Dream Cast (Blogger's Choice)
  • Promotional Post
Remember that July 24th is reserved for the Welcome Post, so do not pick July 24th in the sign-up form.

Reviewers will receive a digital copy of the book through NetGalley. So make sure you are able to accept this format and/or have an NG account before signing up to this tour.

As always, there will be a tour giveaway provided by the author. Details to come soon!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Signing up for the tour does not guarantee you will be selected. We will reach out to all hosts that have been chosen once the sign-ups have closed and the tour schedule has been published.

Truly Madly Royally

by Debbie Rigaud
Publisher: Point
Release Date: July 30th 2019
Genre: Contemporary, Young Adult, Romance
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Fiercely independent and smart, Zora Emerson wants to change the world. She's excited to be attending a prestigious summer program, even if she feels out of place among her privileged, mostly white classmates. So she's definitely not expecting to feel a connection to Owen, who's an actual prince of an island off the coast of England. But Owen is funny, charming...and undeniably cute. Zora can't ignore the chemistry between them. When Owen invites Zora to be his date at his big brother's big royal wedding, Zora is suddenly thrust into the spotlight, along with her family and friends. Everyone is talking about her, in real life and online, and while Owen is used to the scrutiny, Zora's not sure it's something she can live with. Can she maintain her sense of self while moving between two very different worlds? And can her feelings for Owen survive and thrive in the midst of the crazy? Find out in this charming romantic comedy that's like The Princess Diaries for a new generation.

YA author Debbie M. Rigaud began her writing career covering news and entertainment for magazines. She’s interviewed celebs, politicians, social figures and “real” girls. Her writing has appeared in Seventeen, CosmoGIRL!, Essence, J-14, Trace, Heart&Soul and Vibe Vixen, to name a few. Her first YA fiction writing was published in the anthology HALLWAY DIARIES (KimaniTru Press/September 2007). Her first standalone YA book--a Simon Pulse romantic comedy titled PERFECT SHOT--is due out in the Fall of 2009

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